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Un film di Julia Ducournau. Con Vincent Lindon, Agathe Rousselle, Garance Marillier, Lais Salameh.
Drammatico, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 108 min. - Francia, Belgio 2021. - I Wonder Pictures uscita venerdì 1 ottobre 2021. - VM 18 - MYMONETRO Titane * * * - - valutazione media: 3,15 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Julia Ducournau Follows 'Raw' with One of the Wildest Films to Ever Screen at Cannes

di David Ehrlich IndieWire

During the first half of Julia Ducournau's "Titane," it's hard to tell if you're watching the most fucked up movie ever made about the idea of found family, or the sweetest movie ever made about a serial killer who has sex with a car, poses as the adult version of a local boy who went missing a decade earlier, and then promptly moves in with the kid's still-grieving father. During the second half, it becomes obvious that it's both - that somehow it couldn't be one without the other. Following the cannibalistic "Raw" with another ravenous film that pushes her fascination with the hunger and malleability of human flesh to even further extremes, Ducournau has made good on the promise of her debut and then some. [...]

di David Ehrlich, articolo completo (6783 caratteri spazi inclusi) su IndieWire 13 luglio 2021

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