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Un film di Julia Ducournau. Con Vincent Lindon, Agathe Rousselle, Garance Marillier, Lais Salameh.
Drammatico, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 108 min. - Francia, Belgio 2021. - I Wonder Pictures uscita venerdì 1 ottobre 2021. - VM 18 - MYMONETRO Titane * * * - - valutazione media: 3,15 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

'Titane': The New Flesh Is Thriving, Living Rent-Free in Julia Ducournau's F*cked Up Metallica Brain

di Jessica Kiang The Playlist

We can all stop wishing it a long life: the new flesh is thriving, living rent-free in Julia Ducournau's fucked-up titanium brain, oozing from every frame of her bizarrely beautiful, emphatically queer sophomore film, and thence seeping in through your orifices, the better to colonize your most lurid, confusing nightmares, as well as that certain class of sex dream that you'd be best off never confessing to having. "Titane," Ducournau's follow-up to her sensational debut "Raw," is roughly seven horror movies plus one bizarrely tender parent-child romance soldered into one machine and painted all over with flames: it's so replete with startling ideas, suggestive ellipses, transgressive reversals and preposterous propositions that it ought to be a godforsaken mess. [...]

di Jessica Kiang, articolo completo (6991 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Playlist 13 luglio 2021

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