X-Men - Dark Phoenix

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Cliched conclusion of the mutant saga

di Wendy Ide The Observer

It takes a certain amount of chutzpah for a first-time feature director to talk themselves into the driving seat of an effects-laden, multimillion-dollar franchise movie. Admittedly, Simon Kinberg (mutant power; unwavering self-belief) was already thoroughly immersed in the X-Men universe as the writer and producer of three previous instalments. But does this give him the necessary skill set to direct the whole shebang? On the strength of this painfully laboured, creaking jalopy of a superhero flick, which blunders into every conceivable pitfall and cliche, that will be a hard no. [...]

di Wendy Ide, articolo completo (1494 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Observer 9 giugno 2019

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