X-Men - Dark Phoenix |
Un film di Simon Kinberg.
Con James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult.
Titolo originale Dark Phoenix.
Ratings: Kids+13,
durata 113 min.
- USA 2019.
- 20th Century Fox Italia
uscita giovedì 6 giugno 2019.
X-Men - Dark Phoenix
valutazione media:
recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.
X-Women Power? Nah
di Manohla Dargis The New York Times
The spectacle of superhero franchises trying to engage women can be amusing when it's not insulting, pandering or straight-up weird. "Dark Phoenix," the 12th installment in the "X-Men" franchise, certainly tries to do right, but the strain shows. It has a female-driven story but odd ideas about empowerment. On the plus side it has Jessica Chastain playing an otherworldly creature who opens a portal to another dimension and a better movie. She keeps you watching even if at times the director, Simon Kinberg, seems more into her risibly high heels. [...]
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Peter Bradshaw Wendy Ide Alberto Cattini Giona A. Nazzaro Manohla Dargis Jamie East John Semley Geoffrey MacNab Chris Hunneysett Robbie Collin Michael O’Sullivan Anna Maria Pasetti Silvio Danese Serena Nannelli Alessandra Levantesi Justin Chang Antonio Mariotti Maurizio Acerbi Maurizio Cabona Roberto Nepoti |
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