X-Men - Dark Phoenix |
Un film di Simon Kinberg.
Con James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult.
Titolo originale Dark Phoenix.
Ratings: Kids+13,
durata 113 min.
- USA 2019.
- 20th Century Fox Italia
uscita giovedì 6 giugno 2019.
X-Men - Dark Phoenix
valutazione media:
recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.
Dark Phoenix fails to rise from the ashes of the burned-out X-Men franchise
di John Semley The Globe and Mail
I am old enough to remember when the first X-Men movie arrived in theatres. It was an innocent, practically prelapsarian age, when the superhero action film was still a novelty, and not the de facto mode of blockbuster moviemaking. Special-effects technology had advanced to such a point that the adventures of a team of genetically altered mutants, with their knives for hands and lasers for eyes and capacity to control metal and the weather, could be sold as both believable and genuinely exciting. [...]
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Peter Bradshaw Wendy Ide Alberto Cattini Giona A. Nazzaro Manohla Dargis Jamie East John Semley Geoffrey MacNab Chris Hunneysett Robbie Collin Michael O’Sullivan Anna Maria Pasetti Silvio Danese Serena Nannelli Alessandra Levantesi Justin Chang Antonio Mariotti Maurizio Acerbi Maurizio Cabona Roberto Nepoti |
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#DarkPhoenix |