X-Men - Dark Phoenix

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X-Hausting, X-Cruciating, and little reason to exist

di Robbie Collin The daily Telegraph

In an era when television is straining every sinew to go cinematic, there is something about films which behave like TV that makes the heart deflate like a punctured bouncy castle. By that I don't mean the output of Marvel Studios, whose decade-long workshopping of its serial-blockbuster secret formula has earned it the right - not to mention the income - to do whatever it pleases. Rather, it's the desire of rival operations to horn in on the cinematic universe business model while taking audience investment for granted that leads to the creation of films that lack a reason to exist beyond it being time for another one, and which are full of often very talented actors giving performances that are delivered with a level of enthusiasm you might describe as "contractually obliged". [...]

di Robbie Collin, articolo completo (3996 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The daily Telegraph 5 giugno 2019

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