X-Men - Dark Phoenix |
Un film di Simon Kinberg.
Con James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult.
Titolo originale Dark Phoenix.
Ratings: Kids+13,
durata 113 min.
- USA 2019.
- 20th Century Fox Italia
uscita giovedì 6 giugno 2019.
X-Men - Dark Phoenix
valutazione media:
recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.
'Dark Phoenix' isn't the revival the 'X-Men' series needed
di Justin Chang The Los Angeles Times
The gifted English actress Sophie Turner has played with fire before - ice and fire, to be precise, in her career-making performance as Sansa Stark on "Game of Thrones." That justly beloved series may not have concluded to everyone's (or even anyone's) satisfaction, but Turner's fine-grained transformation was one of its more convincing victories. Her Sansa began the show as a naive, vulnerable teenager and ended it as a pillar of steel, a leader and tactician at the estimable peak of her powers. [...]
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