X-Men - Dark Phoenix

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With 'Dark Phoenix,' the X-Men saga goes out with a whimper, not a bang

di Michael O’Sullivan The Washington Post

'Dark Phoenix" isn't kidding about the "dark" part. The latest, and probably final, chapter in the X-Men superhero saga is a somber, even funereal affair - not in a stylish, Christopher Nolan-esque way, or even a la "Logan," the deliciously cynical comic-book-noir contribution to the mutant canon from 2017. Rather, if a movie can be said to suffer from low-grade depression, this one certainly seems to be, shuffling in its socks and bathrobe through a not-quite-two-hour running time with an attitude that is closer to grudging obligation than enthusiastic commitment. [...]

di Michael O’Sullivan, articolo completo (4219 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Washington Post 5 giugno 2019

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