John Wick 3 - Parabellum

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Andrew Barker


Like both of its predecessors, "John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum" features quite a lot of people being shot in the head. It would be difficult to estimate the total number of people who are shot in the head in this film - likely somewhere in the range of 30 or 40 - and it's possible that "John Wick: Chapter 2" might have contained just as many. But it certainly feels like more here. Each headshot has its own slight variations: it might be preceded by a bout of judo-style grappling, or a kick to the crotch, or a punch, or a shot to the chest. [...]

di Andrew Barker, articolo completo (7717 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Variety 10 maggio 2019

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