John Wick 3 - Parabellum

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The film resembles nothing so much as a very dark live-action version of Tom and Jerry

di Geoffrey MacNab The Independent

John Wick 3 is the most bookish of the action adventures featuring Keanu Reeves as the hitman. Early on, there is even a scene set in a library. In John Wick's hands, though, books aren't for reading. They take on altogether more lethal properties. Reeves plays the assassin in a way that seems self-consciously modelled on Clint Eastwood's man with no name in the Sergio Leone westerns. He doesn't say much. Nor does he give in to pain and only very rarely will he betray his emotions. It's a measure of his likeable screen persona that we still root for him, regardless of the bloody devastation he always leaves in his wake. [...]

di Geoffrey MacNab, articolo completo (5475 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Independent 15 maggio 2019

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