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The 'Hellboy' reboot has more gore and profanity than the original. That doesn't make it better

di Alan Zilberman The Washington Post

Sometimes "more adult" does not mean "more mature." That's the central problem facing "Hellboy," the reboot of the comic book character popularized in films by Guillermo del Toro. The original 2004 movie and its 2008 sequel were PG-13 affairs, with a focus on the demonic antihero's lovable streak. Under the direction of Neil Marshall, a filmmaker with his own horror/fantasy bona fides, this Hellboy curses, eviscerates, flays and disembowels. Marshall and screenwriter Andrew Cosby went overboard with their R-rating, introducing so much gore and profanity that it, quite frankly, gets dull. [...]

di Alan Zilberman, articolo completo (3709 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Washington Post 10 aprile 2019

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