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Owen Gleiberman


It may be stretching things to say that Hellboy was the role Ron Perlman was born to play, but in Guillermo del Toro's stylish and sturdy "Hellboy" (2004) and its spectacular eye-candy sequel, "Hellboy II: The Golden Army" (2008), there's no doubt that Perlman connected with the character in an uncanny way. Part of it was how his physiognomy - the thick features and sculptured scowl - already seemed to get him halfway there. He may have been playing a glowering man-devil with mutton-chop sideburns, sawed-off demon horns he wore like goggles, and skin the color of chicken tandoori, but it never felt as if Perlman was buried under the makeup. [...]

di Owen Gleiberman, articolo completo (5457 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Variety 10 aprile 2019

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