Godzilla II - King of the Monsters

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'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' has too much human drama, too little kaiju action

di Katie Walsh The Los Angeles Times

As we plunge into summer blockbuster season, deciding whether or not to shell out for another huge screen spectacle can be a challenge. In the case of "Godzilla: King of the Monsters," perhaps a questionnaire can help. Do you enjoy Godzilla movies mostly for the human drama that happens around the feet of the giant monster fights? Do you agree with Thanos' worldview from "Avengers: Infinity War"? Would you like to see Gojira crunch Fenway Park to smithereens? Would you say your reaction to Bradley Whitford shouting "Serizawa got that lizard juiced up!" is positive, negative or neutral? If you answered "yes" or "positive" to most of these questions, the monster mash splash "Godzilla: King of the Monsters" could be the blockbuster for you. [...]

di Katie Walsh, articolo completo (3472 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 30 maggio 2019

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