Godzilla II - King of the Monsters |
Un film di Michael Dougherty.
Con Kyle Chandler, Vera Farmiga, Millie Bobby Brown, Ken Watanabe.
Titolo originale Godzilla: King of the Monsters.
Ratings: Kids+13,
durata 131 min.
- USA 2019.
- Warner Bros Italia
uscita giovedì 30 maggio 2019.
Godzilla II - King of the Monsters
valutazione media:
recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.
Deeply confusing sequel is dismaying to watch
di Geoffrey MacNab The Independent
"How many nukes do you have?" one character is asked in matter-of-fact fashion towards the end of Godzilla: King of the Monsters, the cacophonous and deeply confusing new movie featuring the gigantic, dinosaur-like creature first seen in a Japanese film in 1954.
The new Godzilla is a sequel to the 2014 feature directed by Gareth Edwards. Five years have passed since the day "the world discovered that monsters are real". Whatever number of nukes or new weapons the humans may now possess, it will never be enough to kill off a creature who already has 35 movies to his credit. [...]
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