Fast & Furious - Hobbs & Shaw

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'Hobbs & Shaw' hits the sweet spot between the silly and the satisfying

di Michael O’Sullivan The Washington Post

Lest there be any confusion between "Hobbs & Shaw" and the nameplate of a boutique law firm (or purveyor of fine men's dress shoes), the full title of the new movie comes with a built-in disclaimer about its lowbrow provenance: "Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw." A spinoff of the popular action franchise featuring two of that series's recurring characters - Dwayne Johnson's lawman Luke Hobbs and Jason Statham's mercenary Deckard Shaw - the film is far from prestige fare, yet more often than not, it hits that summer sweet spot between the silly and the satisfying. [...]

di Michael O’Sullivan, articolo completo (4139 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Washington Post 1 agosto 2019

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