Fast & Furious - Hobbs & Shaw

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Peter Debruge


"Genocide, schmenocide," growls Idris Elba through a mouth of silver-capped teeth in "Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw," a line that pretty much summarizes where the film stands in relation to reality, the English language and what old-fashioned moral philosophers (like "Leviathan" author Thomas Hobbes) thought of as the respect for human life, and the insatiable thirst for power. Here, in the extravagantly cartoonish ninth entry in the "Fast & Furious" franchise (sequel, schmequel, this is a stand-alone spinoff that requires no knowledge of the films that came before), Elba isn't playing a human being, but whatever comes next: a kind of bionically upgraded cyber-villain with computer-enhanced eyeballs, bulletproof hands and an unwavering will to eradicate what this not-exactly-Shakespearean screenplay broadly describes as "the weak. [...]

di Peter Debruge, articolo completo (8769 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Variety 31 luglio 2019

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