La bambola assassina

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Un film di Lars Klevberg. Con Aubrey Plaza, Brian Tyree Henry, Gabriel Bateman, Ty Consiglio.
Titolo originale Child's Play. Horror, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 91 min. - USA 2019. - Koch Media uscita mercoledì 19 giugno 2019. MYMONETRO La bambola assassina * * 1/2 - - valutazione media: 2,74 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Mark Hamill delights as Chucky in self-aware reboot

di Lewis Knight Daily Mirror

Are we having fun now? You might not have thought that a remake of 1988 horror film Child's Play was exactly what the world was crying out for, but this reboot brings Chucky the Doll back and makes him both deadly and relevant for a whole new generation. The plot sees supermarket clerk and single-mother Karen Barclay (Aubrey Plaza) and her 13 year-old hearing-impaired son Andy (Gabriel Bateman) settling into their new apartment. To quell his potential loneliness and isolation from the move, Karen nabs a returned "Buddi" doll from work for him to play with - these dolls carrying a mildly powered artificial intelligence to be the ideal companion for a child. [...]

di Lewis Knight, articolo completo (2985 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Daily Mirror 21 giugno 2019

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mercoledì 19 giugno 2019
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