La mia vita con John F. Donovan

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Peter Debruge


Hidden among more than 250 movies screening at this year's Toronto Film Festival, there's one - well-written, relatable, and wonderfully of-the-moment - in which a mom, fed up at last with her child's unremitting narcissism, snaps, "Not everything's about you," adding that it's OK to be selfish in your 20s, but it stops being cute when you turn 30. Xavier Dolan's "The Death and Life of John F. Donovan" is not that movie, although its director, who is 29, might benefit from seeing that other, better Toronto film, "The Weekend," which contains the aforementioned scene, and whose central lesson he would do well to absorb: Maturity comes in realizing that you are not the center of the universe. [...]

di Peter Debruge, articolo completo (7464 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Variety 13 settembre 2018

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