Nureyev - The White Crow

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A meticulous, heartbreaking tour de force

di Leslie Felperin The Guardian

Co-directors (and siblings) Jacqui and David Morris's immaculate documentary about Rudolf Nureyev is more than just essential viewing for anyone interested ballet and dance. Like any great biography, it casts a light through its prismatic subject, whose unique story refracts out colourful strands touching on art, politics, history, identity and so much more. It helps that Nureyev, the title subject and one of the last century's greatest dancers and performers, was such an extraordinarily magnetic figure, likened several times by interviewees here to a panther, all savage beauty and muscular grace. [...]

di Leslie Felperin, articolo completo (2801 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Guardian 21 settembre 2018

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