Nureyev - The White Crow

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Nureyev has its strengths, but this doc paints too safe a picture of the Soviet dancer

di Martha Schabas The Globe and Mail

In 1961, two months after the Soviets sent Yuri Gagarin into space, Rudolf Nureyev brought the USSR's reputation crashing back to earth when he defected in Paris. In Nureyev, a new documentary by siblings Jacqui and David Morris, we see this swift juxtaposition of events, with the East gaining unprecedented ground in Cold War optics only to be summarily humiliated. Ballet was high politics in the Soviet Union, a symbol of nationalism and a vehicle for propaganda. The widely publicized escape of its greatest male dancer was hard for the Soviets to spin. [...]

di Martha Schabas, articolo completo (4947 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Globe and Mail 18 aprile 2019

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