Rapina a Stoccolma

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Sexy true-crime melodrama

di Peter Bradshaw The Guardian

Since this diagnosis was invented, Stockholm syndrome has become almost a cliche: the psychological disorder making captives feel irrational loyalty and even love for the people holding them prisoner. But why? The victims' unconscious need to rationalise their own humiliating submission? The brutal power relation of oppressor and oppressed creating its own attachment? Canadian film-maker Robert Budreau offers his own answers with a fictionalised version of that bizarre event that gave birth to the term - the extraordinary 1973 robbery in Stockholm during which an escaped convict stormed into a bank brandishing a submachine gun, took hostages, demanded his old cellmate be released from jail and brought to his side, and negotiated directly via telephone with Prime Minister Olof Palme himself. [...]

di Peter Bradshaw, articolo completo (2007 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Guardian 19 giugno 2019

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