Stanlio e Ollio

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Steve Coogan and John C Reilly star in a sad, stirring take on comedy's greatest duo

di Robbie Collin The daily Telegraph

There has never been - and may never be - a funnier line of dialogue in the history of cinema than "Excuse me please, my ear is full of milk." Oliver Hardy says it in the 1934 short Going Bye-Bye!, moments after taking from Stan Laurel what he believes to be a telephone receiver, but is in fact a tin of the dairy product in question, and holding it to the side of his head. He makes his apologies to the woman on the other end of the line, brushes himself down, irritably grabs the tin back from Stan, and pours in some more. [...]

di Robbie Collin, articolo completo (3637 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The daily Telegraph 11 gennaio 2019

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