Hotel Artemis

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This brutal, big-hearted steampunk thriller checks out too soon

di Tim Robey The Daily Telegraph

Hotel Artemis, a near-future thriller about an after-hours hospital for criminals, feels like a decent idea for a Netflix pilot squished into a somewhat compromised film. As the directing debut of Drew Pearce, a British screenwriter-producer who previously worked on Iron Man 3 and Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, it showcases his fondness for tough talk, swift bursts of brutality and surprising tenderness beneath. Overall, Pearce drums up more than enough promise to make his next roll of the dice something worth betting on; if it's paradoxical to argue that a let-down could keep on boding this well, so be it. [...]

di Tim Robey, articolo completo (3481 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Daily Telegraph 19 luglio 2018

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