The Greatest Showman

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Un film di Michael Gracey. Con Hugh Jackman, Michelle Williams, Zac Efron, Rebecca Ferguson, Zendaya.
Titolo originale The Greatest Showman. Musical, Ratings: Kids, durata 110 min. - USA 2017. - 20th Century Fox Italia uscita lunedì 25 dicembre 2017. MYMONETRO The Greatest Showman * * * 1/2 - valutazione media: 3,54 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

hymn to diversity Valutazione 0 stelle su cinque

di Aleale

Feedback: 2 | altri commenti e recensioni di Aleale
mercoledì 8 maggio 2019

the hymn to the diversity.

The movie’s inspired to the true story of the main character played by hugh jackman, P.T.Barnum. He made one of the most famous American circus of all time, the first with freaks. He’s the true soul of the movie and the scene is his with his perfect presence on the screen. He sings and dance  in a way that only he can do. And he literally steals the stage to other chatacter. But i have to say that the cast is full of talented people like zack Efron or zendaya both noted actors and singers. Their on-stage love story is touching and heart warmimg with her treated like a lesser and him divided between his heart and his noble life.

The story itself doesn’t follow the real events, but throughout the movie we can see the rising and the defeat of Barnum who reunites every kind of outcast, the outsiders, the ones that no one love. What makes this musical a “not miss movie” is  its hymn to life, self-acceptance and to love every kind of diversity because that’s what makes us who we are, and the soundtrack keeps rimind it from the first to the last song 

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