Edison - L'uomo che illuminò il mondo

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Un film di Alfonso Gomez-Rejon. Con Benedict Cumberbatch, Michael Shannon (II), Nicholas Hoult, Katherine Waterston.
Titolo originale The Current War. Biografico, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 105 min. - USA 2017. - 01 Distribution uscita giovedì 18 luglio 2019. MYMONETRO Edison - L'uomo che illuminò il mondo * * 1/2 - - valutazione media: 2,52 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Benedict Cumberbatch's Edison biopic could use more electricity

di Tim Robey The Daily Telegraph

For better or worse, The Current War was shaping up to be 2017's answer to The Imitation Game, until two things happened to this star-laden drama about the electricity race. Critics panned it at the Toronto Film Festival that year, rendering the latest Cumberbatchian Oscar bid null and void; and Harvey Weinstein's accusers turned this, and everything else on his distribution slate, into soiled goods. The two years that have since elapsed have not been especially kind to the film, and certainly haven't made it any more current. [...]

di Tim Robey, articolo completo (4670 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Daily Telegraph 25 luglio 2019

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