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Un film di R.J. Cutler. Con Chloë Grace Moretz, Mireille Enos, Joshua Leonard, Jamie Blackley, Stacy Keach.
Titolo originale If I Stay. Drammatico, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 106 min. - USA 2014. - Warner Bros Italia uscita giovedì 18 settembre 2014. MYMONETRO Resta anche domani * * - - - valutazione media: 2,14 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

If I Stay - Review Valutazione 0 stelle su cinque

di Luisa

Feedback: 0
giovedì 9 maggio 2019

If I Stay follows the story of seventeen year old Mia Hall who is extremely talented at playing the cello and has to make a huge decision: whether to pursue her dreams and go to Julliard and leave her family and her beloved boyfriend, Adam behind or not. However, the story takes a turn for the worst when Mia and her family get into a devastating car crash which immediately kills all of Mia's family apart from Mia, who is in a coma. The rest of the story then follows her out-of-body experience where she has to make the biggest decision of all: to wake up and be reunited with Adam or die and join her family in the afterlife.

I have to admit, this story was immensely devastating but I loved it all the same. What I loved the most was the originality of it; I mean, it takes real talent to really think outside the box like the author has. It really made me wonder what coma patients must be going through while there are in a coma, whether or not they actually know what is going on and whether or not they can decide to wake up. These are all crazy thoughts but I love a book that really makes me think about what I would do if I was in that particular situation. And of course, as I always say 'If a book makes you cry, it is a good book', therefore If I Stay is an excellent read and I would definitely recommend it to those who are looking for a sad yet completely different book.

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