Guida perversa al cinema

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Un film di Sophie Fiennes. Con Slavoj Zizek Titolo originale The Pervert's Guide to Cinema. Documentario, durata 150 min. - Gran Bretagna, Austria, Paesi Bassi 2012. - I Wonder Pictures Acquista »

Sometimes Groucho’s Cigar Is Not Just a Cigar

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

If you embrace the notion that Hollywood is literally a “dream factory,” then Freud stands as a proto movie critic who taught us how to decipher the hidden meanings of its celluloid fantasies. In “The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema,” the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek subjects more than 40 mostly classic films, by directors ranging from Chaplin to Hitchcock, to psychoanalytic scrutiny. We need movies because they hold the clues to our true selves, Mr. Zizek argues in a wildly entertaining, digressive lecture packed with juicy clips that illustrate his points. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (4572 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 16 gennaio 2009

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