Bobby Fischer Against the World

Un film di Liz Garbus. Con Bobby Fischer, Boris Vasil'evic Spasskij, Henry Kissinger, Garry Kasparov Titolo originale Bobby Fischer Against the World. Documentario, Ratings: Kids+16, durata 90 min. - USA, Gran Bretagna, Islanda 2011. - MYMOVIESLIVE! uscita lunedì 23 gennaio 2012. MYMONETRO Bobby Fischer Against the World * * * - - valutazione media: 3,28 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Sukhdev Sandhu

The Daily Telegraph

The protracted struggle between chess masters Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky in the summer of 1972 was one of the great sporting events of the last century. Over 21 games, many of them littered with no shows, walk outs and talk about the players’ chairs being bugged, the American and Russian fought out a sporting version of the Cold War that was beamed all around the world, punctuating but also, in oblique fashion, paralleling the war in Vietnam and the paranoid politics of the Watergate scandal in the States. [...]

di Sukhdev Sandhu, articolo completo (1434 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Daily Telegraph 14 luglio 2011

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