Unstoppable - Fuori Controllo

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Director Tony Scott and a top-flight cast take audiences on a heart-stopping thrill ride.

di Kenneth Turan The Los Angeles Times

"Unstoppable" is as good as its name. A runaway train drama that never slows down, it fashions familiarity into a virtue and shows why old-school professionalism never goes out of style. With action auteur Tony Scott directing, "Unstoppable" certainly features a lot that we've seen before, from its vehicle-from-hell format to its venerable advertising line: "1,000,000 Tons, 100,000 Lives, 100 Minutes." Yes, they still do make them that way. This is also the second straight Scott film (after the underappreciated "The Taking of Pelham 123") involving a train and the sixth of his career to star Denzel Washington, here sharing the screen with "Star Trek's" Chris Pine and one very out of control locomotive. [...]

di Kenneth Turan, articolo completo (5017 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 12 novembre 2010

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venerdì 12 novembre 2010
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