The Oath

Un film di Laura Poitras. Con Salim Hamdan, Abu Jandal Documentario, durata 96 min. - USA 2010.

Parallel Lives

di David Denby The New Yorker

For the past decade or so, we have suffered from an inability to comprehend, or even to imagine, the inner lives of the young men who wage jihad as members of Al Qaeda. Who are these men, so eager for asceticism, violence, and martyrdom? At first, we think that’s what we’ll learn from “The Oath,” a fascinating documentary directed, produced, and shot by Laura Poitras. We don’t really, but what we do find out is of equal interest, and oddly reassuring. Poitras’s principal subject, Abu Jandal (a nom de guerre), who is now in his late thirties, was born in Saudi Arabia to Yemeni parents. [...]

di David Denby, articolo completo (5626 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New Yorker 17 maggio 2010

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Betsy Sharkey
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David Denby
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