The Fighter

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David O. Russell's film about a dysfunctional family based on boxer Mickey Ward's life is blessed by a superb cast.

di Kenneth Turan The Los Angeles Times

Just like its subject, one-time junior welterweight champion "Irish" Mickey Ward, the rousing "The Fighter" tries a number of risky maneuvers and manages to make them pay off in the end. The movie initially feels like more of a near thing than the filmmakers anticipated, but as in boxing it's only the final decision that counts. Telling Ward's story, which showcases the kind of personal and professional chaos no boxing movie can exist without, has long been a near-obsession for star Mark Wahlberg, whose rock-solid performance is the film's irreplaceable anchor. [...]

di Kenneth Turan, articolo completo (5121 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 10 dicembre 2010

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venerdì 4 marzo 2011
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