Notte folle a Manhattan

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Un film di Shawn Levy. Con Steve Carell, Tina Fey, Mark Wahlberg, Taraji P. Henson, Common.
Titolo originale Date Night. Commedia, durata 88 min. - USA 2010. - 20th Century Fox Italia uscita venerdì 7 maggio 2010. MYMONETRO Notte folle a Manhattan * * - - - valutazione media: 2,32 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Tina Fey and Steve Carell are funny, sure, but it's an unfulfilled 'Date Night.'

di Kenneth Turan The Los Angeles Times

Think of "Date Night" as a half-a-loaf comedy. No, it's not set in a bakery, but though it is funny it will likely leave you hungry for more as you consider the age-old perception that having half a loaf is better than none at all. If you've been anywhere near a moving bus or a stationary billboard lately, you know that what's on offer on the plus side is the presence of a pair of supremely amusing people, Steve Carell and Tina Fey. In both their television and feature work, these two are phone-book funny: They can make you laugh by reading anything at all. [...]

di Kenneth Turan, articolo completo (4122 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 9 aprile 2010

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venerdì 7 maggio 2010
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