My Soul To Take

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Wes Craven's creaky 3-D horror film stars Rául Esparza as the Riverton Ripper.

di Gary Goldstein The Los Angeles Times

"My Soul to Take," the first film horror-meister Wes Craven has both written and directed since 1994's "New Nightmare" (and his first picture in 3-D), is a thrill-free snooze that will certainly rank as one of the least — if not the least — effective entries in Craven's nearly 40-year canon of cinematic shockers. The overly complex story goes something like this: Sixteen years ago in the town of Riverton, Abel Plenkov (Rául Esparza), a schizophrenic family man with seven personalities—one of which was that of a murderer — killed his pregnant wife and was then shot by local police, but not before the dying madman vowed to return one day to murder the seven local children all born that night. [...]

di Gary Goldstein, articolo completo (3184 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 9 ottobre 2010

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