Most Valuable Players


The film shines a big, bright spotlight on the musical madness surrounding three high school productions in Lehigh Valley, Pa.

di Robert Abele The Los Angeles Times

Those who can't get enough of the tuneful teen spirit of the high school song-and-dance series "Glee" might want to check out Matthew D. Kallis' relentlessly peppy documentary "Most Valuable Players," which shines a big, bright spotlight on the musical madness surrounding three high school productions in Lehigh Valley, Pa. If the theater kids and their adult directors at Freedom High are a little more animated than a typical school putting on their "Bye Bye Birdie" — as neighboring Parkland and Emmaus are with their dueling versions of "Les Miserables" (ouch!) — it's because lying in wait are the Freddys: a Tonys-style live-television bash singling out the region's star talent. [...]

di Robert Abele, articolo completo (1359 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 13 agosto 2010

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