Love Ranch


Helen Mirren and Joe Pesci play a married couple who run a brothel. Sound good? It isn't.

di Gary Goldstein The Los Angeles Times

On paper, the odd-couple pairing of Oscar winners Helen Mirren and Joe Pesci placed in the hands of accomplished director — and Mirren's husband — Taylor Hackford can't help but pique interest. Add an inspired-by-true-events, disco-era story involving sex, passion, crime and politics, slap on the juicy title "Love Ranch" and things sound even more surefire. So what went wrong? The short answer is: just about everything, including those very elements that initially entice. The grand Mirren is, truth be told, miscast and Pesci is misdirected as Grace and Charlie Bontempo, the long-married proprietors of one of America's first legalized brothels, the Love Ranch (characters and Reno-area venue based on the actual Mustang Ranch). [...]

di Gary Goldstein, articolo completo (2850 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 30 giugno 2010

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Gary Goldstein
Rassegna stampa
Peter Travers
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