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Street Justice

di Anthony Lane The New Yorker

To point out that Matthew Vaughn’s “Kick-Ass” is based on a comic book is not saying much. A glance through the schedule suggests that every film released this year is based on a comic book or else devoutly wishes that it were, with the possible exception of that documentary on sheep pasturing. Producers reach for the Marvel shelf as instinctively as they once grazed the Book-of-the-Month Club, and for similar reasons, homing in on the sweet spot of popular taste. “Kick-Ass” began publication only two years ago, but the cover line of its second issue (“Sickening Violence: Just the Way You Like It”) bore the exact tinge of lip-smacking irony that now passes for worldly sophistication. [...]

di Anthony Lane, articolo completo (4619 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New Yorker 26 aprile 2010

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Peter Travers
Anthony Lane
European Film Awards (1)
Critics Choice Award (2)

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