Holy Rollers


Gary Goldstein

The Los Angeles Times

Given its intriguing premise and inherently meaty conflicts, the glibly titled crime drama "Holy Rollers" never quite catches fire, calling for more edge and narrative tension than director Kevin Asch and screenwriter Antonio Macia manage to deliver. Still, it's an often evocative dip into unique territory fleshed out by a highly convincing cast. Jesse Eisenberg ("The Squid and the Whale," "Adventureland") expands his usual brainy underdog shtick — somewhat — as Sam Gold, a 20-year-old Brooklyn Hasid whose cocky neighbor Yosef (" The Hangover's" Justin Bartha) introduces him to a lucrative scheme in which ultra-Orthodox Jews are hired to smuggle Ecstasy pills for an Israeli dealer (Danny Abeckaser, also a producer here). [...]

di Gary Goldstein, articolo completo (1521 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 21 maggio 2010

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