Even the Rain

Un film di Icíar Bollaín. Con Gael García Bernal, Luis Tosar, Raúl Arévalo, Karra Elejalde, Juan Carlos Aduviri.
Titolo originale También la lluvia. Storico, durata 103 min. - Spagna 2010.

A story about film melds with one from true life in this drama about a crew on location.

di Kenneth Turan The Los Angeles Times

Considering how ambitious it is, how many different narrative strands it employs, the Spanish film "Even the Rain" does a remarkably good job keeping its disparate elements involving and in harmony
A behind-the-scenes look at the trials of movie-making, a commentary on both recent historic events and those 500 years in the past, as well as a film political enough to be dedicated to the memory of radical historian Howard Zinn, "Even the Rain" is a lot for Spanish director Icíar Bollaín to attempt. [...]

di Kenneth Turan, articolo completo (3758 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 18 febbraio 2011

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