Chasing 3000

Un film di Gregory J. Lanesey. Con Ray Liotta, Rory Culkin, Trevor Morgan, Tania Raymonde, Scott Aaronson.
Titolo originale Chasing 3000. Sportivo, - USA 2010.

Baseball fans will find the start of "Chasing 3000" tough to resist: highlights from the career of one of the greatest, Roberto Clemente.

di Michael Ordoña The Los Angeles Times

This sincere, nostalgic, brothers-on-the-road movie has its strong points but sadly fails to do what Clemente so famously did in his final at-bat — finish on a high note. It's 1972, and teens Mickey ( Trevor Morgan) and Roger ( Rory Culkin) aren't taking well to being transplanted from Pittsburgh to Los Angeles, away from their grandfather ( Seymour Cassel) and beloved Pirates. [...]

di Michael Ordoña, articolo completo (1372 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 27 agosto 2010

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