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Un film di Feng Xiaogang. Con Jingchu Zhang, Dao Ming Chen, Jin Chen, Fan Xu, Chen Li.
Titolo originale Tangshan Dadizheng. Drammatico, durata 135 min. - Cina 2010. Acquista »

"Aftershock" begins with a harrowing re-creation of the Tangshan earthquake, which claimed the lives of a reported 240,000 people in 1976.

di Gary Goldstein The Los Angeles Times

Aftershock, a blockbuster in its native China and that country's official entry for 2010's foreign-language film Oscar, has made a mostly smooth transition across the Pacific onto American screens. In fact, this involving, well-acted saga of a family torn apart by a devastating earthquake is such a foolproof crowd-pleaser it could likely withstand a release here well beyond its Asian-targeted bookings. [...]

di Gary Goldstein, articolo completo (1435 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 28 ottobre 2010

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Gary Goldstein
Asian Film Awards (4)

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