100 Voices: A Journey Home


Cameras follow as 72 cantors visit Poland, where cantorial music was born but decimated by the Holocaust. Gloriously, their voices rise.

di Kevin Thomas The Los Angeles Times

It's hard to imagine a more profound expression of the healing power of music than Matthew Asner and Danny Gold's deeply affecting "100 Voices: A Journey Home." The film follows cantor Nate Lam, of L.A.'s Stephen S. Wise Temple and father of the film's co-writer and co-producer, as the 72 cantors he gathered from around the world perform at the Warsaw Opera House, the largest theater of its kind in Europe. They also appeared at the Krakow Philharmonic, participated in Poland's annual Jewish Cultural Heritage Festival and conducted the first Jewish service at Auschwitz-Birkenau. [...]

di Kevin Thomas, articolo completo (2438 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 22 settembre 2010

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