Youth in Revolt

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Peter Travers

Rolling Stone

After all the toothless, limp-dick vampire posturing in the Twilight chick flicks, it's a kick to see a balls-out, R-rated movie about bloodsuckers that doesn't spare the gore so little girls won't cry into their Twitpics of Rob Pattinson. Such a movie is Daybreakers, a nifty genre piece from Aussie twins Michael and Peter Spierig (Undead) who put some oomph into an overworked theme. Don't get me wrong. Daybreakers, despite the star presence of Ethan Hawke and Willem Dafoe, is a B movie, with all the disreputable low rent, lowbrow pleasures that implies. [...]

di Peter Travers, articolo completo (2221 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Rolling Stone 7 gennaio 2010

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