Whip It

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The Drew Barrymore-directed, Ellen Page-starring story of a high school student who finds her groove in the roller derby world is a fun romp and an athletic drama with a heart.

di Betsy Sharkey The Los Angeles Times

When Drew Barrymore decides to call her movie "Whip It," you might think you're in for some kind of cage-fighting, girl-powered "Animal House." And while you do get the fishnets, food fights, broken bones and bloody noses, there are many sly satisfactions to be found in Barrymore's smartly done directing debut. Essentially, the film is a chicks-on-skates/coming-of-age/sports-drama/comedy/feminist polemic set in the racy world of roller derby. If it sounds as if it would be easy to lose your footing in all of that, it is. [...]

di Betsy Sharkey, articolo completo (4404 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 2 ottobre 2009

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Peter Travers
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