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Un film di Jason Reitman. Con George Clooney, Vera Farmiga, Anna Kendrick, Jason Bateman, Danny McBride.
Titolo originale Up in The Air. Commedia, durata 109 min. - USA 2009. - Universal Pictures uscita venerdì 22 gennaio 2010. MYMONETRO Tra le nuvole * * * - - valutazione media: 3,31 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Being Clooney: Not as Easy as It Looks

di Terrence Rafferty The New York Times

THERE'S no mystery, none at all, about why George Clooney is a movie star. Guys who are extremely handsome, move well, can project intelligence and humor, appear to enjoy the company of women and possess soft, deep masculine voices have historically done pretty nicely for themselves on the silver screen.
Mr. Clooney, in fact, often seems like a throwback to the leading men of earlier eras: a passing resemblance to Cary Grant, especially when he deploys his wry half-smile; a hint of Paul Newman's '60s cool. [...]

di Terrence Rafferty, articolo completo (10118 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 10 gennaio 2010

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venerdì 22 gennaio 2010
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