The Vicious Kind

Un film di Lee Toland Krieger. Con Brittany Snow, J.K. Simmons, Bill Buell, Emily Jo, Jordan Berkow, Kate Krieger, Vittorio Brahm, Alysia Reiner.
Commedia, - USA 2009.

Adam Scott's searing performance as an angry construction worker with heavy relationship issues is one of many strong elements in a memorable film.

di Gary Goldstein The Los Angeles Times

Featuring a knockout performance by Adam Scott, a much-deserved 2009 Independent Spirit Award nominee for best male lead, "The Vicious Kind" upends the heavily tread dysfunctional family drama in ways that are unique, surprising and memorable. The film, also up for best screenplay at the Spirits, should prove a solid launching pad for writer-director Lee Toland Krieger. Set in small-town Connecticut over a Thanksgiving weekend, this sharp-tongued, emotionally resonant tale sets angry -- and, yes, kind of vicious -- construction worker Caleb Sinclaire (Scott) on a collision course with his virginal college-student brother Peter (Alex Frost), Peter's iffy girlfriend, Emma (Brittany Snow), and the brothers' brash but haunted father, Donald (J. [...]

di Gary Goldstein, articolo completo (1527 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 11 dicembre 2009

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