Super Capers


'Super' is anything but

di Gary Goldstein The Los Angeles Times

At one point in the painful spoof "Super Capers," someone says, "It's not funny, Ed, not funny at all." While the speaker is criticizing the movie's klutzy main character, would-be superhero Ed Gruberman (Justin Whalin), she could just as well be describing the film itself. Written, produced and directed by Ray Griggs (who appears in it as well), "Super Capers" begins as a campy tribute to comic book heroes and their 1960s and '70s TV incarnations, but quickly descends into an ineptly paced, toothless lampoon of sci-fi and fantasy films, particularly those of Mssrs. [...]

di Gary Goldstein, articolo completo (1368 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 20 marzo 2009

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