Serious Moonlight

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Meg Ryan takes husband Timothy Hutton hostage to prevent his walking out on her in this comedy directed by Cheryl Hines. The movie feels like a tribute to its screenwriter, the late Adrienne Shelly.

di Betsy Sharkey The Los Angeles Times

There is something weirdly endearing about Meg Ryan's woman in denial in "Serious Moonlight," blissfully confident that she can reclaim her husband's heart despite the mistress she's just discovered, despite the divorce he is demanding. He rages, she's understanding; he roars, she bakes cookies; he negotiates, she shows their wedding slides. Of course there is the small matter of Ian, the cheating spouse played by Timothy Hutton. He is forced to wage this battle while tightly duct-taped to a chair, then a toilet (be careful what you ask a woman on the verge . [...]

di Betsy Sharkey, articolo completo (4204 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 4 dicembre 2009

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