Red Riding: 1974


Fatal Consequences

di David Denby The New Yorker

This is the North—we do what we want.” These defiantly jocular words are spoken by a policeman as he throws a young reporter out the back of a van. The scene takes place in “Red Riding: 1974,” the first in a series of films, “The Red Riding Trilogy,” made last year for British television’s Channel 4, and now released in theatres as a mammoth, sensationally violent and beautiful five-hour movie. (The trilogy is also available on cable, as a video on demand under the rubric “IFC in Theaters.”) The North in the policeman’s boast is West Yorkshire—the city of Leeds, mostly, but also featureless pale-green moors and, among them, small, rubbly towns with dead-looking brown houses. [...]

di David Denby, articolo completo (9192 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New Yorker 15 febbraio 2010

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Gabriele Niola
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Thomas Sotinel
Kenneth Turan
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David Denby
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