Oltre le regole - The Messenger

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Ben Foster and Woody Harrelson lead a strong cast in director Oren Moverman's taut drama about a casualty notification team's struggle to balance duties with private lives.

di Betsy Sharkey The Los Angeles Times

For too long, life for Army Staff Sgt. Will Montgomery has been all about death. On the Iraqi frontline where he's been, he and his buddies just wanted to cheat it and survive. Now he's back home with only a few months left in his tour of duty, only to find himself surrounded by it once again. And so begins "The Messenger," starring Ben Foster as Will in a moving drama that takes a home-front look at the collateral damage of our current desert wars. The film puts us on the front porches of the families left behind and alongside Will as he delivers the worst possible news, that someone they love has died in combat. [...]

di Betsy Sharkey, articolo completo (5797 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 20 novembre 2009

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