Mother and Child

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The filmmakers deftly weave together three engaging story lines.

di Michael Phillips The Los Angeles Times

A screenwriter's butterfly flaps its wings and a chain of events is set into motion, resulting in the latest cinematic ensemble tale of connectivity and yearning. This one's good, though. Writer-director Rodrigo Garcia's "Mother and Child" interlaces three stories set in contemporary Los Angeles and, as with many other elaborate spoke-and-wheel screenplays ("Crash," "Amores Perros," "Babel," etc.), the characters are ruled by a series of encounters and decisions leading to the moment when the audience says: Aha! So that's how those stories crisscross! The difference here is one of tone. [...]

di Michael Phillips, articolo completo (3066 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 7 maggio 2010

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Michael Phillips
Rassegna stampa
Peter Travers
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